[Pkg-silc-devel] Bug#620724: O: silc-toolkit -- SILC generic library
Jérémy Bobbio
2011-04-03 16:47:18 UTC
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

It looks like [1] everyone involved in packaging SILC has lost
interest. silc-toolkit should be considered as orphaned until others
pick up the Alioth project or the packages.

[1] http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-silc-devel/2011-March/000505.html

The package description is:
SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing) is a network protocol designed
to provide end-to-end security for conferencing services. SILC has a
command set and a user interface similar to IRC, but the network
protocol is completely different as it supports public key strong
cryptography and a different network model.
This package contains the SILC generic library.
Jérémy Bobbio .''`.
***@debian.org : :Ⓐ : # apt-get install anarchism
`. `'`